Flowering Crabapple

Malus 'Royalty' Rosaceae

Growth habit





Cornell Class of 1923 Flowering Tree Collection

Source of plant

Schmidt & Son Co.


Dense, mound-shaped tree reaching 15' in height and width. Leaves dark purple, of excellent color. Flowers single, crimson to dark purple, not showing up well against the dark foliage; fruits dark red, about 0.6" across. Subject to severe scab and fireblight (Nichols). Also see "Malus" Vol. 11No.1, Fall 1997; article "Crabapples: Sales Trends and Consumer Preferences in Iowa" by Jeffery L. Iles and Joanna S. Stuckey note that 61% of the state nurserymen surveyed had eliminated 'Royalty' from their sales offerings due to its disease problems.

Special characteristics

foliage characteristics