Eastern White Pine

Pinus strobus Pinaceae

Other names

White Pine

Growth habit


Native distribution

Native to the Finger Lakes Region, Eastern North America


Does best in well-drained soils, but is extremely adaptable. It even thrives in swamps.


Cold-moist stratify in sand for 60-90 days. Germinate at 70 degrees. Protect from rodents and squirrels.

Biocultural value

The Haudenosaunee traditionally used White Pine to treat colds, coughs, and rheumatism. A steam made from the boiled bark has been inhaled for treating head colds. A bark tea has been taken for rheumatism. Pine washes, poultices and powdered wood have been applied to cuts, sores, scabs, and skin eruptions. The raw bark has been made into a tea to alleviate stomachaches and cramps.

Wildlife value

Pine nuts are important wildlife food.


Mundy Wildflower Garden, Urban Tree Collection, Newman Meadow, Peterson Oak Grove, Comstock Knoll and Rhododendron Collection, Hillside Garden, Bald Hill and Caroline Pinnacles, Coy Glen, Edwards Lake Cliffs Preserve, McDaniel Meadow, Woods, and Swamp, McLean Bogs, Eames Bog, Purvis Road Wetlands Natural Area, Ringwood Ponds, South Hill Swamp, Tarr-Young Preserve

Source of plant

Cayuga Landscape Company, The Plantsmen, Treehaven Evergreen Nursery, John Ewanicki, Claude Heit, Mary Hirshfeld, Schichtel's Nursery, G & P Christmas Tree Farm & Nursery, Prides Corner Farms, Edgewood Nursery


In youth a symmetrical pyramid of soft, pleasant appearance; in middle age and on old trees the crown iscomposed of several horizontal and ascending branches, gracefully plume-like in outline and very distinctive when compared to other conifers. Needles in 5's.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

winter interest, growth habit, notable texture

