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Here's just a few plants we don't want you to miss. Click to learn where to find them and more!

Dwarf Canadian Hemlock

Tsuga canadensis 'Bacon's Cristata #3'

Paperbark Maple

Acer griseum

Winterberry Holly

Ilex verticillata 'Afterglow'

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About Garden Explorer


Our diverse cultivated collection of plants are located within specialty gardens surrounding the Nevin Welcome Center and within the nearby 100-acre F. R. Newman Arboretum.

Zucker Shrub Collection

This area's “garden rooms” show perennials, shrubs, and ornamental grasses can be used in inspiring ways.

Mullestein Winter Garden

Find plants with interesting color, texture, and shape, which add beauty to the winter landscape.

Conifer Slope

This area features most of our extensive conifer collection, including firs, pines, and spruces.


We steward over 3,600 acres of biologically diverse landscapes that represent the full range of ecological communities found in the Finger Lakes region.

Fall Creek Valley

This natural area consists of young and old forests on the north and south sides of Fall Creek.

Ellis Hollow Wetlands

Here you can explore forest, old orchard, or shrub thicket, and managed meadows in the Cascadilla Creek Valley.

Dunlop Meadow

The Dunlop Meadow is managed to provide meadow habitat for grassland nesting birds.