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Here's just a few plants we don't want you to miss. Click to learn where to find them and more!

Dwarf Siberian Iris

Iris sibirica 'Baby Sister'

Oriental Poppy

Papaver orientale 'Carneum'


Paeonia (Herbaceous Group) 'Friendship'

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About Garden Explorer


Our diverse cultivated collection of plants are located within specialty gardens surrounding the Nevin Welcome Center and within the nearby 100-acre F. R. Newman Arboretum.

Comstock Knoll and Rhododendron Collection

Explore over 100 varieties of rhododendrons and a rich mix of shrubs, trees, and herbaceous perennials on this small hill.

Young Flower Garden

Explore a collection of flowering plants that hold symbolic meaning by cultures around the world.

Cornell Class of 1923 Flowering Tree Collection

Trees in the Flowering Tree Collection were selected for their beauty and small stature.


We steward over 3,600 acres of biologically diverse landscapes that represent the full range of ecological communities found in the Finger Lakes region.

Mundy Wildflower Garden

Here you will find a remarkable variety of plants native to the Cayuga Lake Basin.

Natural Area

Native Lawn Demonstration Area

Designed to replace conventional lawn with native low-growing grasses, which only require mowing once or twice per year.

Cascadilla Gorge

The iconic Cascadilla Gorge Trail passes through one of the most picturesque gorges in the Finger Lakes Region.