Common Bearberry

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Ericaceae

Other names

Mealberry, Hog Cranberry, Kinnikinick, Sandberry, Mountain Box, Bear'S Grape, Creashak

Growth habit

Dwarf Shrub


Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

N. America, N. Eurasia


Comstock Knoll and Rhododendron Collection

Source of plant

ShrubBucket, H.P. Kelsey


Shrub, mat-forming; branches procumbant, all rooting, young twigs to 50cm, glabrous or glabrescent. Lvs. 1-3cm obovate, obtuse to slightly emarginate at apex, tapered to base, dark green above, paler beneath, coriaceous, ciliate. Infl. racemose, pendulous, short, 3-12-fld; cor. urceolate, 5-6mm. Fr. globose, 6mm, glossy scarlet, mealy. Late spring.

USDA Hardiness Zone