Fall Crocus

Crocus goulimyi Iridaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Southern Greece


Heasley Rock Garden

Source of plant

Partterton & Martin


A very distinct plant and instantly recognizable by its very long perianth tube and globular flowers. Flowers produced with, or slightly before the leaves, pale to deep lavender with a white throat and perianth tube. The inner segments are occasioanlly paler than the outer. Perianth tube often 4-5" long and very slender; anthers cream or very pale sulphur; style similar in color, tri-lobed or sub-divided into more threads right at the apex. Corm tunic hard and shell-like, splitting lengthways. Flowering seasonSeptember-October.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

flowering season