Pot Marjoram

Origanum vulgare Lamiaceae

Other names

Marjoram, Wild Marjoram, Oregano, Organy

Growth habit




Native distribution

Europe to Central Asia; Naturalized in Eastern U.S.A.

Biocultural value

Greeks and Romans crowned young couples with garlands of oregano and planted it on gravesites to provide peace and happiness for the departed. Onion-flavored flower heads are pulled apart and sprinkled in salads, soups, omelettes and dips.


Robison Herb Garden

Source of plant

J.L. Hudson, Seedsman


Perennial reaching 2 1/2' in height, usually branched above, pubescent, rarely glabrous or hirsute. Leaves ovate to lanceolate-ovate, to 1 1/2" long, entire to somewhat toothed, glabrous or hairy, petioled;inflorescence corymbose or paniculate, spikelets to 1 1/8" long, ovoid, oblong, or angular, bracts usuallypurple, without glands or sparsely glandular on the outer surface; calyx about 2/3 as long as bracts,yellow-glandular-punctate, hairy or glabrous, corolla longer than calyx, white or purplish.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

other ethnobotanical uses, food