
Paeonia anomala ssp. veitchii Herbaceous Group Paeoniaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived perennial

Native distribution


Source of plant

Heronswood, John Filkins, Phedar Nursery


Herbs perennial, 30-90cm tall. Roots cylindric, thick, 1-2cm diameter, attenuate downward. Stem glabrous. Leaves biternate, sometimes leaflets decurrent at base; leaflets several times segmented; ultimate segments (37-)50-100-(180), dark green, linear or linear-lanceolate, 0.25-2cm, abaxially usually glabrous, rarely hispid or hirsute along veins, adaxially hispid or hirsute along veins, apex acuminate. Flowers 1-4 per stem, terminal and axillary, 4.5-10cm diameter; lateral flowers sometimes with a leaf below; bracts 2 or 3, leaflike, lanceolate, unequal, margin lobed or entire; 1 or 2 underdeveloped flower buds often also present in axils of distal leaves. Sepals 3-5, broadly ovate, 1.5-1.7x1-1.4cm, apex usually caudate. Petals 6-9, purple-red, red or pink, rarely nearly white, obovate, 2.5-4x1.5-3cm, apex notched or entire. Filaments purple, 5-10mm. Disc fleshy, enveloping only base of carpels. Carpels (1 or)2 or3(to 5), hispid or hirsute, very rarely glabrous. Follicles ovoid-clindric, 1-2.7x1-1.5cm, hispid or hirsute. Seeds black, glossy, oblong-globose, ca. 6x5.5mm.

USDA Hardiness Zone