Tanaka's Stephanandra

Stephanandra tanakae Rosaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution


Source of plant

Lazy S's Farm Nursery


Shrub to 2m. Shoots slender, smooth; branchlets terete or angled. Leaves to 9 x 6cm, ovate, shallowly 3-several lobed, caudate-acuminate, subcordate at base, orange and scarlet or bright yellow in autumn, scabrous, bisserate, teeth acuminate, shallowly 3-5 lobed, lowest pair of lobes often somewhat large, patent and long acuminate, glabrous above, somewhat pubesscent on veins beneath or subglabrous, petioles to 1.5cm, slightly pubescent; stipules ovate, to 12mm, serrrate. Flowers off white, 5mm diameter, in glabrous, terminal panicles to 10cm; bracts oblong; stamens 15-20. Spring-Summer. Japan (mountains of Honshu).

USDA Hardiness Zone