Chaste Tree

Vitex negundo Lamiaceae

Other names

Chinese Chaste Tree, Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, Horseshoe Vitex

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

E Africa, Madagascar, E Asia, Philippine Islands


Hillside Garden

Source of plant

Holmes Hollow Farm


Shrub or small tree to 8.5m. Leaves 3-5-foliate; petiole to 4.5cm; leaflets to 12x3cm, chartaceous, lanceolate, acuminate, green-white and glabrous above, white and densely short-pubescent beneath, entire or slightly dentate, sessile or short-petiolulate. Inflorescencea terminal panicle to 25cm, densely grey-pubescent; flowers lilac or lavender; calyx to 3.5mm, densely grey-pubescent; corolla tube to 4mm, pubescent; ovary pubescent. Fruit to 6mm diameter, globose.

USDA Hardiness Zone