Manchurian Maple

Acer mandshuricum Sapindaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Manchuria and Korea


Cornell Class of 1923 Flowering Tree Collection, Newman Meadow

Source of plant

Arborvillage Farm Nursery, Heronswood, Peter Podaras


Small tree or shrub reaching 5-6 m in height, sometimes considerably taller with glabrous branches. Leaves trifoliate, the leaflets oblong-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long and 2.5-3 cm wide, acuminate, obtuse serrate, dark green above, bluish green beneath, glabrous except on the central veins which are oftenpubescent; fall color red. Flowers greenish-yellow, 5-merous, strictly male or female, held in 3-flowered inflorescences. Bark smooth, not peeling. Samaras horizontally spreading, erect, the nutlets ovoid.

USDA Hardiness Zone