Painted Maple

Acer pictum var. mayrii Sapindaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Northern Japan & Sachalin


Cornell Class of 1923 Flowering Tree Collection

Source of plant

US National Arboretum, Peter Podaras


Tree to 25 m in the wild, bark smooth, young branches densely blue pruinose, quite glabrous, yellowish or red-brown in the 2nd year; leaves rounded, thin, 3- to 5-lobed, base rounded, lobes with entire margins, broad ovate, abruptly short-acute, both sides green, undersides glabrous with reticulate venation; flowers greenish-white in 4 to 6 cm wide corymbs, borne in April and May ; fruit wings usually upright and curved inward to slightly spread, 3 cm long (DS 5). Fall color yellow (DS 364).

USDA Hardiness Zone