Saucer Magnolia

Magnolia x soulangiana Magnoliaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Source of plant

Bosley Nurseries Inc.


Deciduous shrub or small tree to 10 m; habit of M. denudata but more slender; bark silver-gray; twigs purple-brown; leaves to 16.5x12 cm, broadly elliptic to suborbicular, short-accuminate, occasionally rounded, base often unequal, attenuate, dark shiny green above, often puberulent below, membraneous to subcoriaceous; flowers precocious, erect, pedicels to 7 mm, segments 9, cupped, oblong-ovate, concave above at tip, white, variously marked rose-pink to violet-purple beneath, outer segments often smaller, occasionally sepaloid, tinged green, 40x13 mm, interior segments spathulate to obovate, to 11x7 cm; cones cylindric, 10 cm, asymetric; seed coat red; spring; garden origin.

USDA Hardiness Zone