Siberian Pine

Pinus sibirica Pinaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Temperate Asia, Eastern Europe


Conifer Slope

Source of plant

Forestfarm Nursery


Tree to 33 m, narrowly conical, but often with a more ellipsoid crown as a young tree. Trunk to 1.8m dbh; bark pale brown or gray-brown; branchlets yellow or brownish yellow, thick, densely pale yellow pubescent; winter buds red-brown, conical. Needles 5 per bundle, slightly curved, almost triangular in cross section, 6-11cmx0.5-1.7mm, stiff, stomatal lines 3-5 along each abaxial surface, gray-white, vascular bundle 1, resin canals 3, median, base with sheath shed, margin serrulate. Seed cones erect, conical-ovoid, 5-8x3-5.5cm, indehiscent or slightly dehiscent at maturity. Seed scales widely cuneate proximally, thickened distally; apophyses purple-brown, broadly rhombic or broadly triangular, semiorbicular, densely pilose; umbo yellow-brown, obvious. Seed yellow-brown, obovoid, ca. 10x5-6mm, slightly ridged, wingless. Pollination April, seed maturity September-October of second year. Mountains, river basins; 800-2400m.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

winter interest