Southwest Border Pine

Pinus strobiformis Pinaceae

Other names

Southwestern White Pine

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Northern Mexico and the Border States of the U.S.A.


Conifer Slope

Source of plant

Horticultural Associates, Coeur d'Alene Nursery, Richard Sniezko, USFS, Claude Heit, Snipes Farm & Nursery, Weston Nurseries, Princeton Nurseries


To 35m. Crown ovid-conic, becoming rounded; bole to 1m diameter. Bark grey-white, smooth when young, dark brown, furrowed when mature; shoots grey-brown, finely pubescent; winter buds resinous, brown, oblong-ovate to cylindric. Needles 5 per fasicle, dark blue-green, 8-14cm, sheath to 2cm, soon deciduous, stomatal lines visible on the inner surfaces, finely serrated. Cones short-stalked, pendulous, cylindric, rounded, apophysis shiny, reflexed, umbo obtuse, thornless. Seeds ovate, 11-12—10mm, grey-brown, spotted black, wings to 8mm, or shorter.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

foliage characteristics