Cross Vine

Bignonia capreolata Bignoniaceae

Other names

Quarter Vine, Trumpet Flower

Growth habit

Vine, Climber


Long-lived perennial

Native distribution

Mid-West to Southeast US

Source of plant

Seneca Hill Perennials


An evergreen vine, climbing by tendrils to 20m, glabrous. Leaves opposite, jugate; leaflets 5-10cm, often only one pair, with trifid tendril or scar, oblong-lanceolate, semi-rigid, apex acuminate, obtuse, base cordate, entire. Inflorescence cymose, axillary, 2-5 flowered, pedicillate, or flowers solitary; calyx campanulate, 5-lobed; corolla flared, 4-5cm, deep orange to scarlet, limb bilabiate, trumpet shaped; stamens didynamous, villous at base, included, anthers glabrous; ovules 1-3 seriate; ovary sessile or shortly stalked. Fruit a capsule, linear, flattened, 15cm; seeds elliptic, winged.

USDA Hardiness Zone