From the artist:

I first started pursuing art through watercolor. My first canvas was watercolor. I love the effect. It’s so organic. It teaches you to let go and adapt as it cannot be completely controlled. Therefore, you have to work with the results and interpret the patterns of how water chooses to behave. This is the often the same in life.  The water in my work brings everything to life. The water brings color into my sketch. Water is in everything, it connects everything, and brings life. For me it means transformation – no limits or boundaries. The water that flows in the ocean is the same water that flows in us. It’s invisible but it’s in the air and surroundings wherever you look.

Water is the spirit of life.

This exhibit in on display September 20 – October 31

Also on display around the Nevin Welcome Center

Past Exhibit

Ash Trees: A Story of Relationships, Loss, and Hope

How the invasive Emerald Ash Borer has upset the intricate relationships ash trees have with Haudenosaunee communities

Class of ’53 Container Gardens and Tropical Garden Beds

Draw inspiration for container gardening from these arrangements of tropical plants.


Annual Trials Garden makes a Splash at the Cornell Botanic Gardens

Now is the time to visit this garden bursting with 130 different cultivars of annual plants in different shapes, sizes, and hues.