Coming soon with your support!

A new Asian Summer Garden will complement the Cornell Botanic Gardens’ existing spectacular landscape features, including those with Asian ambience and heritage. The new garden will showcase tree and herbaceous peonies and other plants native to China, Japan, and Korea, highlighting the importance of these plants in East Asian cultures. In addition to horticultural excellence, beautiful physical spaces and structures – inspired by East Asian architectural traditions – will provide visitors an immersive cultural experience. This Asian Summer Garden will be a unique feature of the Cornell Botanic Gardens and of the Cornell University campus. It will display the beauty and joy of plants in our lives and in other cultures.

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Continuing to Make History

This new Asian Summer Garden will allow the Botanic Gardens to continue its work focused on Asian horticulture and to cultivate, curate and steward its own high-quality, sustainably-managed Asian horticulture collection and natural areas. More specifically, it will showcase a unique and spectacular peony collection, ensuring that Cornell’s 112 year old and rich peony history to continue well into the future. In addition, it will allow the Gardens to highlight and celebrate biocultural diversity by linking biological and cultural diversity throughout the garden itself.

Lifelong Growth

The New Asian Summer Garden will enable individuals the opportunity to not only nurture the unique and personal connection they themselves have to plants, but to better understand the unique and personal connections that Asian cultures have long held with the native plants throughout history. This is how the garden intends to expand each individual’s interpretation and to highlight the interconnectedness of plants and peoples. Visitors to the garden will have access to an exceptional experience that has the power to change viewpoints and inspire positive action.