Verdant Views: Capturing Carbon: Nature-Based Solutions to the Climate Crisis from Cornell Botanic Gardens on Vimeo.

In the face of a changing climate, carbon sequestration is among the most valued and readily measured ecosystem services. This episode of Verdant Views (air date February 23, 2023) explores how much carbon the Botanic Gardens’ Natural Areas and other Cornell forests are capturing, how the data was obtained, and what the numbers mean to Cornell’s drive to become carbon neutral.


Verdant Views: Learning by Leading

Learn about this exciting student engagement initiative.


Verdant Views: Global Climate Stories, 2022

In honor of Earth Day 2022, international students at Cornell share stories of the challenges they face in their home countries.


Verdant Views: Trees and the Changing Climate

A discussion of how climate change is affecting trees in the northeastern U.S., and how our staff is responding.