
Explore our plants from anywhere

The new Garden Explorer feature makes up-to-date plant records accessible online.

Cultural Connection

The Rose: “Queen of Flowers”

Explore an illustrative guide to discover why the rose is considered the “Queen of Flowers.”

Cultural Connection

Rhododendron: Beyond its beautiful bloom

From mid-May to mid-June, a main attraction at Cornell Botanic Gardens is the Bowers Rhododendron […]

Cultural Connection

Legends and Lore of the Tulip

Tulips have been cultivated for hundreds of years for their beauty and powerful symbolism.

Cultural Connection

Flowering Trees: expressing love, loyalty, and kindness across centuries and cultures

May is approaching, which brings our attention to the eye-catching blooms of ornamental apple, magnolia, […]

In Bloom Now

Daffodils abound at Cornell Botanic Gardens

Yellow dominates the color palette throughout our gardens from nearly 100,000 daffodils blooming now.

In Bloom Now

The magic of early spring-blooming wildflowers

Within Cornell Botanic Gardens’ natural areas, each day brings the appearance of a wildflower from the leaf-littered forest floor.


“Double Allium” installation

View this time-lapse video of the sculpture as it is being installed by our construction crew.


Take a guided garden or arboretum tour

Garden tours are offered every Saturday at 11am and 4pm and Arboretum tours are offered the third Sunday of each month at 2pm.