By admin

Join a forum for discussion about Hemlock Woolly Adelgids (HWA) and their impact on Hemlocks by subscribing to our e-list serv. This list serv provides a venue for networking with others, organizing volunteer surveys, and discussing biology, research, control, news, and questions related to HWA.

To join:

Send an e-mail message to  Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message write a single word: join

You can choose to receive messages posted to an e-list in one of four ways:

  1. Mail – (this is the default method) – You receive each posting as an individual e-mail message.
  2. Digest – You receive only one message a day. It contains all of the postings for that day.
  3. MIME Digest – You receive only one message a day. Each posting for the day is delivered as an attachment to that message.
  4. No mail – You do not receive any messages posted to the list.

To change the way you receive messages: Send an e-mail message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message type two words: set option. Replace the word “option” with one of the following four choices: 

To send a message to be posted to the e-list:  Put the e-list address, in the “to” field

To unsubscribe from the e-list:  Send an e-mail message to: Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the message type one word: leave

If you have questions or comments about this e-list: 
Contact the administrator, at: