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This site is considered one of the rarest ecosystems in the region and has been designated as a Tompkins County Unique Natural Area by the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. This designation recognizes sites that are deserving of special attention for preservation and protection.

Cornell Botanic Gardens staff and many community volunteers work hard to safeguard the unique biodiversity here through efforts such as:

  • Partnering with Cornell scientists to study whether a predatory beetle can provide long-term control of the hemlock wooly adelgid which threatens the eastern hemlock trees here.
  • Partnering with Cornell scientists on control strategies for pale swallow-wort (Cynanchum rossicum), an aggressive invasive plant found here. Lessons learned from this research have informed Plantations and other land managers on treatment approaches.
  • Community supported trail maintenance, invasive species control, and financial support for the ongoing management of this preserve.

Interested in helping? Visit, call 607-255-9639 or email us at