Local Plant Status
Plants are ranked according to the frequency by which they are found within the Cayuga Region of New York State.
L1: Rare (a plant occurs between 1-5 sites)
L2: Scarce (a plant occurs at less than 20 sites)
L3: Frequent (a plant occurs between 20 and 100 sites)
L4: Common (a plant occurs at over 100 sites)
State Plant Status
This numeric rank provides the relative rarity for each species in New York State based on a scale from 1 (very rare) to 5 (common). These ranks carry no legal status.
S1: Typically 5 or fewer occurrences, very few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or some factor of its biology making it especially vulnerable in New York State.
S2: Typically 6 to 20 occurrences, few remaining individuals, acres, or miles of stream, or factors demonstrably making it very vulnerable in New York State.
S3: Typically 21 to 100 occurrences, limited acreage, or miles of stream in New York State.
S4: Apparently secure in New York State.
S5: Demonstrably secure in New York State.
SE: State exotic or non-native
SH: Historically known from New York State, but not seen in the past 15 years.
SNA: Species for which a rank is not applicable. This is mainly those species which are now excluded from flora for various reasons.
SNR: Not yet ranked
SX: Apparently extirpated from New York State
Global Status
Each species’ global rank is determined by NatureServe. These ranks carry no legal weight. The global rank reflects the species’ worldwide rarity. G1 – Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences), or very few remaining acres, or miles of stream) or especially vulnerable to extinction because of some factor of its biology.
G1: Critically Imperiled. At very high risk of extinction due to extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer populations), very steep declines, or other factors.
G2: Imperiled. At high risk of extinction or elimination due to very restricted range, very few populations, steep
declines, or other factors.
G3: Vulnerable. At moderate risk of extinction or elimination due to very restricted range, very few populations, steep declines, or other factors.
G4: Apparently Secure. Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern from declines or other factors.
G5: Secure. Common; widespread and abundant. (but possibly rare in parts).
GH: Historical and Possibly Extinct. No extant sites known but it may be rediscovered.
GNA: Species for which a rank is not applicable. NatureServe does not typically rank hybrid species.
GNR: Not Ranked. No global rank has been assigned by NatureServe.
GX: Presumed Extinct. Species not located despite intensive searches and virtually no likelihood of rediscovery.
TU & T: Status of the subspecies or variety unknown.