Amur Cork Tree
Growth habit
Long-lived polycarpic perennial
Native distribution
N. China, Manchuria and Japan
Cornell Class of 1923 Flowering Tree Collection, Beech Collection
Source of plant
Lawson Wholesale Nursery, Schichtel's Nursery, Schichtel's Nursery
Broad spreading tree with a short trunk and an open, rounded crown of a few large, often horizontallyarranged branches; plants reach 30' to 45' in height with an equal or greater spread. Fall color yellow orbronzy yellow, persisting only briefly. Flowers dioecious, yellowish-green, borne in 2" to 3 1/2" longpanicles in late May to early June, not showy. Fruit a subglobose, black, 1/2" to 3/5" diameter drupe withstrong oder when bruised, ripening in October and persisting into the winter. Bark on older trunksridged and furrowed into a cork-like pattern, gray-brown; a very beautiful and unusual pattern, although it does not develop until old age.
USDA Hardiness Zone
Special characteristics
growth habit, bark, winter interest, invasive