Balkan Sage

Salvia forsskaolei Lamiaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece

Source of plant

Roslyn Nursery, Lazy S's Farm Nursery


Perennial herb 25-100cm. Stems erect, simple or occasionally branched. Leaves very variable depending on habitat, from 5x3cm to 30x23cm, mostly basal, ovate or lyrate with larger terminal segments and small laterals, cordate at base, serrate or crenate, minutely glandular-strigose, long-petiolate. Verticillasters 4-8-flowered, calyx ovate-campanulate, 8-12mm, teeth rather spinose, glandular-pilose; corolla 20-30mm, violet-blue to pinkish-magenta, with white or yellow markings particularly on lower lip, tube curved upwards, exserted, upper lip deeply bifid, falcate. Nutlets 2mm, rounded-trigonous.

USDA Hardiness Zone