Black Maple

Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum Sapindaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

IA to SW. Quebec, South to NC


Cornell Class of 1938 Native Maple Slope

Source of plant

Robert Mower, Nancy Adams, Daniel Otis


Large tree to 120' in height in the wild, usually much smaller in cultivation, the crown rounded, the branches at first pubescent, the branchlets orange-yellow. Leaves mostly 3-lobed, occasionally 5-lobed with the basal lobes less pronounced, 10-15 cm or more across; petioles with leaf-like stipules that can be very small or, rarely, absent. Flowers yellow-green; samaras subhortizontal, 3-4 cm long, the nutletsrounded. Bark very dark gray-blck, furrowed. Fall color golden-yellow.

USDA Hardiness Zone