Canada Wild Rye Grass

Elymus canadensis Poaceae

Native distribution

Native to the Finger Lakes Region


A 3-5' tall clump-forming grass with slightly spiraled arctic blue foliage. Large inflorescences with long, curling awns appear in August.
Light: full sun to part shade.
Moisture and Soil: moist to dry.


Seed Treatment and Storage: Store seeds dry. No stratification needed for excellent germination.

Biocultural value

The Haudenosaunee used a decoction of Canada wild rye and several other plants in a medicine to soak corn before planting. A compound decoction of the roots was taken for kidney ailments.

The statement above was sourced from:
Weldy, Troy, David Werier, and Andrew Nelson. 2018. New York Flora Atlas. Albany, New York: New York Flora Association.

Wildlife value

Canada wild rye flowers are wind pollinated. Leafhoppers (Commellus comma, Dorycephalus platyrhynchus, and Laevicephalus orientalis) feed on the foliage, while the larvae of a leaf beetle (Diabrotica barberi) feed on the roots. The young foliage is palatible to mammalian herbivores but the stiff-awned seed heads can be injurious to animals' tender mouths and cause digestive issues.


Mundy Wildflower Garden, Coy Glen

