Cilician Fir

Abies cilicica Pinaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Asia Minor, Cilician Taurus Mts.


Conifer Slope

Source of plant

Treehaven Evergreen Nursery, Porterhouse Farms, Windrose Nursery


Tree reaching 20-30 m in height with a narrowly conical crown branched from the ground up; bark ash-gray, eventually deeply grooved, the branches whorled and very densely arranged, the lower branches horizontal to nodding, the young branches at first short, thinly pubescent, but soon becoming glabrous, smooth and yellow-brown. Needles rather loosely arranged, pointing upward on the upper branch surface with a V-form part, 20-35 mm long, only 1.5 mm wide, the base twisted, the apexemarginate, light green above with 2 stomatal bands beneath. Cones sessile or stalked, 20-30 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, cylindrical, red-brown, the bract scales totally hidden.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

winter interest