Common Pawpaw

Asimina triloba Annonaceae

Other names

Custard Apple

Growth habit

Shrub - Clonal


Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Native to the Finger Lakes Region, NY to FL, West to NE and TX


Mundy Wildflower Garden

Source of plant

Plant Collections Consortium, KY , L.H. MacDaniels, John Filkins, Tollgate Gardens, University of Guelph Arboretum, Woodlanders Inc., Ruth Nix


Mutistemmed shrub or small tree with short trunk and spreading branches forming a dense pyramidal or round-topped head; tends to sucker and forms rather loose colonies in the wild. Plants reach 15 to 20' in height, and width; cann attain 30 to 40' in height in favorable locations. Fall color yellow or yellow-green; author has observed brilliant yellow fall color on selected trees. Flowers lurid purple, 1" to 2" across, borne singly in early May before or as the leaves are developing; not showy but intersting. Fruitan edible greenish-yellow berry gradually turning brownish black, 2" to 5" long, of many shapes,sometimes elongated, at other times rounded; has a taste similar to a banana, usually containing 2 to 3large dark brown flattish seeds.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

fall color, food

