Evergreen Azalea

Rhododendron 'Louisa' Ericaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Source of plant

Polly Hill Arboretum


'Louisa' (#61-076-05) is a cross of 'Chinyeyi' (a white flowered satsuki) and 'W. Leith' (a red flowered English azalea, listed by Hillyer). The flowers are a paler pink than any of the other hybrids, and also stay freshly in bloom for a longer period than any. They are smooth lobed, unruffled, and have a quiet distinction. The plant is round, 15" tall and 4' wide with a flat top. In November the reverse of some leaves is maroon with a prominent mid-vein. The older leaves are much larger than the new. New growth reaches out horizontally. Seed was set in 1978, the capsules and calyces are very hairy. Lacking nakaharai genes, I suspect it is not too hardy until established. It roots easily. 'Louisa' is a most agreeable pink, neither too bright nor too pale

USDA Hardiness Zone