Golden Rain Tree

Koelreuteria paniculata Sapindaceae

Other names

Panicled Golden Rain Tree, Varnish Tree

Growth habit


Native distribution

China, Japan and Korea


Zucker Shrub Collection

Source of plant

Michael Dosmann, Hodenpyl Estate, Northeast Regional Plant Introduction Station, Peter Podaras


Beautiful dense tree of regular rounded outline, sparingly branched, the branches spreading andascending. Foliage purplish-red when unfolding, bright green at maturity, changing to yellow in fall, although fall color is seldom consistent. Flowers perfect, yellow, each about 1/2" wide, borne in a 12" to 15" long and wide, loose panicle in July; very showy. Fruit a papery, 3-valved capsule, 1 1/2" to 2" long,changing from green to yellow and finally brown between August and October.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

flowering season