Japanese Emperor Oak

Quercus dentata 'Pinnatifida' Fagaceae

Other names

Daimio Oak, Kashiwa

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial


Schnee Oak Collection

Source of plant

Gossler Farms Nursery


Deciduous tree, fast growing to 20-25m. Trunk to 1m diameter. Crown large, rounded. Bark brown, fissured and split into large subrectangular plates, grey-scaly. Branches spreading to ascending. Branchlets grey-tomentose, lenticellate. Leaf lobes divided almost to midrib, lobes linear, margins crispate, pale yellow tomentose at first, becoming dark green and glabrous except on nerves above, paler and densly tomentose beneath, nerves 8-12 pairs; petiole 3-6(-12)mm, or almost absent. Acorns ripe in first year 1.2-2.4x1.2-1.7cm, ovoid to subglobose, ochre yellow, glabrous, apex rounded, mucronate; cupule hemispherical, scales adpressed, upper scales erect to recurved, enclosing more than half of acorn.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

foliage characteristics