King Boris Fir

Abies borisii-regis Pinaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Mnts. in Bulgaria, On Mt. Olympus in Thessaly, Greece and on Thasos Island


Conifer Slope

Source of plant

Treehaven Evergreen Nursery, Dilworth Nursery


Intermediate between A. alba and A. cephalonica, characteristics somewhat variable. Tall tree to 30 m,not branched on the basal portion, young branches light yellow, dense and soft yellow- or black-pubescent, but quickly becoming glabrous, buds slightly resinous; needles densely arranged, not parted above, oriented upward and to the side, to 30 mm long, acute to nearly prickly, occasionally somewhat emarginate, furrowed above and usually without stomata, 2 white stomatal bands beneath, each with 6 to 10 lines; cones cylindrical to conical, to 15 cm long, seed scales short-tomentose, bract scales exserted, reflexed.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

winter interest