Oak Hybrid

Quercus x leana Fagaceae

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

Central USA


Schnee Oak Collection

Source of plant

Woodlanders Inc., Ryan Russell


Large, deciduous tree resembling Q. imbricaria more than Q. velutina. Young branchlets flushed red, pubescent. Leaves 8-12(-17)cm, narrowly obovate to obovate, apex acute, base rounded, margin entire but for 3 lobes at apex or 1-3 irregular lobes each side of apex, dark green, glabrous above, lightly pubescent beneath (less so than Q. velutina); petiole 1.5-2cm. Acorns solitary or paired, 2cm; cupule encloses half of acorn. This hybrid often occurs naturally.

USDA Hardiness Zone