Tree Southernwood

Artemisia abrotanum 'Tree Form' Asteraceae

Other names

Tangerine Southernwood

Growth habit


Biocultural value

This southern European shrub has been widely cultivated in gardens since the 16th century. The sharply scented feathery leaves were strewn onto floors to refresh stale indoor air and to deter moths from linens. This southern European shrub has been widely cultivated in gardens since the 16th century. The sharply scented feathery leaves were strewn onto floors to refresh stale indoor air and to deter moths from linens.


Robison Herb Garden

Source of plant

Well-Sweep Herb Farm


Plants more narrowly upright than the species, producing showy terminal panicles (MFH).

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

fragrance, growth habit, other ethnobotanical uses