Turkish Filbert
Other names
Turkish Hazelnut, Tree Hazelnut
Growth habit
Long-lived polycarpic perennial
Native distribution
Southeastern Europe & Western Asia
Source of plant
Schmidt & Son Co., Heritage Seedlings Inc.
Broadly pyramidal, stately and handsome tree with a short trunk, the lower branches usually touching theground, reaching 40' to 50' in height, with a spread equal to 1/3 to 2/3's of the height; can attain 70' to80' in height. Foliage dark green, occasionally with yellow to purple autumn color, but seldom handsome, the Foliage usually dropping while yellow-green. Male flowers borne in 2" to 3" long catkins and can be rather handsome in March; female catkins inconspicuous, as only the two free styles protrude from the bud scale. Fruit a 1/2" to 5/8" diameter nut, held in groups of three or more, the involucre deeply incised, fimbriated, twice the length of the nut, effective in August and September.
USDA Hardiness Zone
Special characteristics
growth habit, winter interest