Washington Thorn

Crataegus phaenopyrum Rosaceae

Other names

Washington Hawthorn

Growth habit



Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

PA to FL West to MO and AR


Zucker Shrub Collection

Source of plant

Lake County Nursery Inc., Northern Nurseries, Schichtel's Nursery, Princeton Nurseries, Edgewood Nursery


Plants 25-30' tall, and 20-25' with a widely rounded to broadly oval dense head and thorny branches. Foliage emerges reddish-purple, matures to green and turns orange, scarlet or purplish in fall; flowers are white, held in many-flowered axillary or terminal corymbs effective in June; fruit is bright glossy red, 1/4" across, coloring in September and October and persisting throughout the winter.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

fruiting characteristics, growth habit, winter interest