Wholesome Wolf'S Bane

Aconitum anthora Ranunculaceae

Other names

Yellow Helmet Flower

Growth habit



Long-lived perennial

Native distribution

S, Cent. and E Europe, Mainly in the Moutains

Source of plant

Seneca Hill Perennials


Roots tuberous. Stems erect, sparingly branched. Leaves more or less orbicular, deeply divided into numerous linear segments, glabrous or sparsely crisped-hairy on margins and beneath. Inflorescence racemose, compact or branched at base; pedicels densely crisped-hairy; flowers numerous, yellow; helmet more or less hemispehric, perianth persistent around developing follicles, spurs straight. Follicles generally 5; seeds acutely quadrangular, black.

USDA Hardiness Zone