Osage Orange

Maclura pomifera 'Wichita' Moraceae

Growth habit





Urban Tree Collection

Source of plant

John C. Pair Horticultural Center


Maclura pomifera 'Wichita' is a male, thornless selection found on the Glen Goering farm south of Wichita, Kansas of moderately upright grouth, althoug suppressed by other nearby trees. The mature 30 year old specimen is approximately 40' tall but would be expected to approach 50 to 60' on a good moist site. Leaves are a glossy, dark green, measuring 10-12cm in length and 4-6cm wide. Petiole is grooved, 3-4 cm long and contains milky sap as do other parts of the tree. Occasional thorns are produced on juvenile growth, othewise mostly thornless. A plant known primarily for use in hedgerows and widnbreaks, it could be an excellent choice for difficult sites being drought tolerant and pest resistant. Fall color is a good yellow. Tested as far north as Clinton, Iowa.Propagation by hardwood cuttings is best done in January to March and treated with 5,000 to 10,000 ppm IBA or Hormodin no. 2 or 3 over bottom heat. Softwood cuttings also root easily in May or June with 2,500 to 5,000 ppm IBA. It can be budded in May or August on seedling understock. -John C. Pair at the 1992 Porceeding s of the International Plant Propagators Society

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

fruiting characteristics, armature, drought tolerance, hardiness