Thank you for your interest in researching at Cornell Botanic Gardens. To submit a research request, please send the following information to Todd Bittner, natural areas director, at
Personal Information: First name, last name, e-mail address, position, Cornell department or organization (if affiliated with Cornell), address, phone number, field of interest.
Project information: Research project title, areas you plan to visit, frequency and length of visit(s), duration of project, description of activities (include number in party and use of equipment), ecosystem impact, project objectives, methods and procedures, records to be kept, GPS coordinated of locations (please submit a GIS shape file), project needs, plans for post-project clean up, specific species or materials you will be collecting, number of specimens, disposition of specimens, methods of collecting, other disturbances to be made, and any additional information or special requests.
Review process: After review, we will issue a permit valid for up to one year. Permit holders are required to provide the Cornell Botanic Gardens Natural Areas Program copies of a final report and reprints of publications derived from the research (if any) allowed under this permit and acknowledge Cornell Botanic Gardens’ support in any grants, publications, or reports that arise from the research project. If you are interested in using our natural areas for something other than research, please use our special use request form.