Pollinator Pathway

The Botanic Buzzline is a 980 square foot flowering pathway that connects people and pollinators to the plants within the botanic gardens. It contains more than 45 native or naturalized plant varieties, which appeal to a wide range of pollinators. With a variety of tips and educational signage along the path, the Buzzline encourages people to make their landscapes more pollinator-friendly.

Why this is Important

The Buzzline's Story

How four Cornell students went from a shared passion for protecting native biodiversity to building the Botanic Buzzline.

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Learn from the Buzzline

View the Buzzline brochure (with a plant list!) and educational signs installed along its path.

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More resources

Plant for Pollinators

These tips and resources can help you create pollinator-friendly outdoor spaces.

Insect Diversity

Besides bees, what other insects and animal are pollinators?

Useful Websites

Sources and links for further exploration.