Dutchman'S Pipe

Aristolochia macrophylla Aristolochiaceae

Other names

Pipe Vine

Growth habit

Vine, Climber


Long-lived polycarpic perennial

Native distribution

PA to GA and KS


Pounder Vegetable Garden and Climate Change Garden

Source of plant

Plant Collections Consortium, KY, Wayside Gardens


Vigorous climbing, twining vine that can reach 20-30'; Leaves heart- or kidney-shaped, 4"-10" (-12") long, dark green and glabrous above, pale green and pubescent beneath, finally glabrous; petiole 1"-3" long. Flowers borne singly or in pairs in the leaf axils in May and June. They are yellow-green and glabrous on the outside; at the mouth the perianth tube contracts to a small orifice, then spreads into a 3-lobed,brownish-purple limb about 3/4" across. Fruit a 6-ribbed, 2"-3" long capsule.

USDA Hardiness Zone


Special characteristics

notable texture