Joe-Pye Weed

Eutrochium maculatum var. maculatum Asteraceae

Other names

Spotted Joe Pye Weed

Native distribution

Native to the Finger Lakes Region


Wet to dry, but prefers moist. Adaptable to many soil conditions


Store seeds dry then cold-moist stratify for 60-90 days. Sow at 70 degrees.

Biocultural value

Joe-pye was the name of a Native American healer in New England. This plant, and the related genus Eupatorium, have many pharmacologically active alkaloids. A number of which have been used by Native American groups.

Wildlife value

Important nectar plant for insects.


Mundy Wildflower Garden, Cayuta Lake, Coy Glen, Edwards Lake Cliffs Preserve, Fischer Old-growth Forest, McLean Bogs, Eames Bog, Salt Road Fen, Purvis Road Wetlands Natural Area, Ringwood Ponds

