Allegheny Serviceberry
Growth habit
Long-lived polycarpic perennial
Native distribution
Native to the Finger Lakes Region, Newfndl. to GA and AL West to MI and KS
Floriculture War Memorial Trail, Urban Tree Collection, Newman Overlook, Treman Woodland Walk, Mundy Wildflower Garden, Bald Hill and Caroline Pinnacles, Edwards Lake Cliffs Preserve, McLean Bogs, Eames Bog, Purvis Road Wetlands Natural Area, Ringwood Ponds, South Hill Swamp
Source of plant
Edgewood Nursery, Plantasia, Klyn Nurseries, John Ewanicki, Christom Farms Nursery, Robert Mower, Weston Nurseries, Cayuga Landscape Company, Schichtel's Nursery, Cornell Botanic Gardens, Ruth Nix
Closely allied to A. arborea, but differs by reason of the bronzy color of the unfolding leaves and their lackof pubescence as well as the almost glabrous pedicels and peduncle of the inflorescence (DS 9). A small tree or occasionally large shrub; profuse fragrant white flowers in May, interspersed with delicate pink foliage. The leaves assume rich autumnal tints (DS 58).
USDA Hardiness Zone
Special characteristics
fall color, fruiting characteristics, bark